Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Money in the Piggy

You’re scared of a politician’s face printed on paper?  

First things first,  my conception of money is as follows: it is a tool. Simply. It is a tool which simplifies the process of exchange in between two parties in a business transaction.We invented it the same way we invented the hammer. You may think I am simplifying too much, but this blog is not about world politics and finance, it is about how you, as an artist, can make it in the art world.  And so, this is the only concept you need to consider.

Once you acknowledge your knew tool, you have to know how to use it properly, which goggles to wear and what are it’s accessories. I am often looked at in a bizarre way when I say I rent a studio. Some people can’t figure out how I can afford it. Well, that’s all part of artsy living’s choices!

This series  will be about how to make the most out of your money, as much or as little as you may have.  This won’t be a cut-a-coupon-save-a-buck section. Those are all over the Internet. I will do a survey of some money savings tips, because it is inevitable, but this won’t be the core of this blog.  Here again, the secret is to think it through, and choose the things you think are relevant to your situation.

Selling your work

Stay tuned for these other posts 

The Costco effect
Needs, needles and desires
Hot cooking
Love of the Trade
Honey and Sweetness
It's that time of year again

1 comment:

  1. Le monde a bien de la difficulté à figure out un tas de choses, financièrement. Si les gens se dispersaient moins en achats frivoles, leur vie serait constituée d'un noyau plus intéressant, qui générerait autre chose de grand.
